
Monday, April 2, 2012

We all want to live long, healthy lives, right?

We all want to live long, healthy lives.  We want to wake up each day full of energy and excitement, feeling good and looking good, right?  Maintaining a healthy weight and feeling energetic is so important to us, yet our workouts and healthy eating are the first things that seem to fall to the way side when we get busy.

Over the past month, between work, school, health workshops, health coaching, making green smoothies for the office and keeping up with my normal day to day life (i.e. grocery shopping, doing laundry, cleaning, checking email, hanging out with my husband, etc...) my self-care has taken a back seat.  Working out, getting enough sleep and eating healthy definitely hasn't been a priority and I can feel and see the difference.  I have dark circles under my eyes, an extra 5lbs on my hips and a lack of energy that has driven me back to coffee.  I don't like it and I acknowledge that it's no one else's responsibility or fault except mine.  I know that only I can make the decision to change it and to prioritize what's most important to me each and every day.  There is no shortcut, no quick fix, no pill or fad diet that will give me the life or body I want. Only I can make the right choices to achieve that.  

So, I'm hitting the reset button.  Over the next 30 days, I'm going to re-focus my priorities and get clear on my goals.  I'm going to make choices congruent with the change I want to see and the life I want to live.

My goals for April:
1. Workout at least 4 times a week
2. Cook a healthy dinner for me and my husband 3 times a week
3. Lose 10lbs to get back to my ideal weight
4. Go to bed by 11:30pm
5. Practice meditative yoga twice a week
6. Only check email (on my phone, ipad or laptop) when I have the time to respond immediately

I am sharing my goals with you in hopes that I will inspire you to set your own personal 30 day health goals... even just one or two.  I will keep you posted on my progress and hope that you will do the same. 

Cheers to a happy, healthy April!

1 comment:

  1. Me too, me too!! Except #5 ;) And swap out the word "husband" for "boyfriend" ... I am going to hit the reset button also!!
